Tourism developed in Nepal in the year between (1956 -1961). A five year plan which enclosed provision for tourism in the history of Nepal. The launch of three years plan in the year 1962 which helps in the development of infrastructure in different sector. The successful scaling of Mt. Annapurna in 1950 A.D and Mt Everest in 1953 A.D popularized the existence of Nepal and the Nepalese people in the world. In the year of 1956, a large number of distinguished foreigner dignitaries were invited to Nepal to participate in the coronaries ceremony of the late king Mahendra which greatly help too foster friendly relationship with the outside world.
The promotion of tourism in Nepal is through sense started in the beginning earning from tourism amounted to 214000 dollars, which help in filling the gap arising from transportation sector RNAC (royal Nepal airlines corporation) cam into existence on fourth July 1956 under mixed government and private sector later many tourism act came into existence which helps a lot in the development of tourism in Nepal and made Nepal one of the most popular tourist development such as:
(a) The development of tourism at 2021 B.S and the tourism regulation at 2022 B.S which made the provision that all hotels should be classified according to international hotels standard system. The same act approved and granted license to travel agencies to operate as national travel agencies.
(b) In the year 1965 the tourism act commenced training and trained 52 tourist guides to cater the need of tourism.
(c) The fourth-five year plan in 1970-1975 which help to enlarge the size of TIA (Tribhuvan international airport) and provide plan development of tourism.
(d) Another most important project PATA (pacific area travel association) in the year 1975-1976 which help in the development of Pokhara.
(e) The established of hotel management and tourism training centre were organized in 1972, whose main objectives was to provide training and skilled manpower in the tourism sector.
(f) The first visit Nepal in the year 1998 which aimed to attract five lakhs tourist.
Nepal is a land locked country. There are 44 airports in various part of Nepal today. If we review the recent past year data, we find that the average tourist arrival in Nepal is fluctuating owing to instable government regime and the political turmoil and unrest the year 1999 the total tourist arrival was 491,504 and the figure remained the highest till date
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